
UP Police Recruitment 2020: UP Police generated the link for online application on 7400 vacancies of Sub Inspector and Steno cum Accountant. The final date to fill the application is yet to be announced but the desired person must not wait till the due date. For the online application, check the contents of theRead More →

RRB NTPC Recruitment 2020: RRB is going to conduct an exam for Non-Technical Popular Categories in 13 languages. Candidates must prepare them well as there is a hard competition because, on 35208 vacancies, the number of applicants is 125 lakhs. Go through the website of RRB NTPC for important dates.Read More →

CSBC Recruitment 2020: We are glad to inform our readers about the latest news related to the job by the Central Selection Board of Constable. A total of 454 vacancies are offered under Bihar Swabhiman Battalion and 12th pass can apply for this advertisement. The end date to fill theRead More →

IBPS Recruitment 2020: As we already know the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) reserved the right to admit the candidates on the vacant posts in the public sector banks. The current article is published for the same purpose in which IBPS invites applications on 9638 posts of Office Assistant andRead More →

NCERT Recruitment 2020: Our prestigious readers will absolutely glad to know about 266 vacancies of Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, and Others. National Council of Educational Research and Training opened the weblink to accept online applications that can be filled by 03rd August 2020. No application will be considered by an organization afterRead More →

UPSC Recruitment 2020: In the employment newspaper, new vacancies have been officially announced by Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). They have published regarding Combined Defence Services Examination II (CDS Exam II) on its official website, i.e. All those students who are desperate to serve the nation can apply for this recruitment by submitting an onlineRead More →