
Nainital Bank Recruitment 2022: The candidates are invited by the Nainital Bank for the 21 vacancies for the Specialist Officers (Manager, Associate Vice President, Risk Officer, Law Officer, Personnel Officer) Posts. Nainital Bank Recruitment 2022 Notification:  Name of the company Nainital Bank Job Name Specialist Officers (Manager, Associate Vice President,Read More →

PNGRB Recruitment 2022: The candidates are being offered jobs by the Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (PNGRB) for hiring candidates for the fulfillment of multiple vacancies for the Senior Secretariat Assistant (SSA), Private Secretary, Asst Data Entry Operator, Cashier, Personal Assistant Posts. All the important dates that the candidatesRead More →

RIMS Ranchi Recruitment 2022: The candidates are being offered jobs by the Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences for hiring candidates for the fulfillment of 20 vacancies for the Chairside Attendant Posts. All the important dates that the candidates need to remember can be seen at the last of this page.Read More →

District Hospital Tenali Recruitment 2022: The candidates are being offered jobs by the District Hospital, Tenali for the fulfillment of 15 vacancies for the Multi-Tasking Staff, Research Scientist, Lab Technician, Research Assistant, Data Entry Operator Posts. Notification for District Hospital Tenali Recruitment 2022:  Name of the Firm District Hospital, TenaliRead More →

HAL Apprentice Trainee Recruitment 2022: The aspirants are being invited by the Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) for hiring them for the 150 vacancies for the Graduate Apprentice Trainee, Technician Apprentice Trainee Posts. The applicant’s age will be according to the Apprenticeship Rules. Notification for HAL Apprentice Trainee Recruitment 2022:  NameRead More →

NHM MP Lab Technician Jobs 2022: Hi Guys! Might it be said that you are searching for new position notices? In the event that indeed, actually take a look at this article. For applicants, we have given point-by-point data with respect to the NHM MP Lab Technician Jobs 2022 inRead More →

JSSC JDLCCE Recruitment 2022: The aspirants are being invited by the Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission (JSSC) for 285 vacancies for the Junior Engineer (Civil/ Electrical/ Mechanical) Posts. Notification for JSSC JDLCCE Recruitment 2022:  Name of the Firm Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission (JSSC) Job Name Junior Engineer (Civil/ Electrical/ Mechanical)  VacanciesRead More →

NDRI Recruitment 2022: The candidates are being invited by the ICAR – National Dairy Research Institute for the 12 vacancies for the Young Professional-II, Project Assistant, Senior Research Fellow, Office Assistant, Field Assistant, Young Professional-I Posts. Notification for NDRI Recruitment 2022:   Firm Name ICAR – National Dairy Research Institute NameRead More →

CSIR CIMAP Jobs 2022: The aspirants are being offered jobs by the CSIR – Central Institute Of Medicinal & Aromatic Plants for the 23 vacancies for the Sr. Technical Officer, Junior Secretariat Assistant, Security Assistant, Junior Stenographer, Receptionist, Technical Assistant Posts. Notification for CSIR CIMAP Jobs 2022:  Name of theRead More →