
APVVP Kurnool Recruitment 2022: The applicants are being offered jobs by Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad Kurnool (APVVP Kurnool) for the fulfilment of 171 vacancies for the Lab Technician, Attendant, Lab Attendant, Physiotherapist,  Electrician, Radiographer, Biomedical Engineer, Dietician, Plumber, Counsellor, Dental Technician Posts. APVVP Kurnool Recruitment 2022 Notification:  Name ofRead More →

BNP Dewas Recruitment 2022: The candidates are being welcomed for jobs by the Bank Note Press, Dewas for the fulfillment of 81 vacant spaces for the Junior Technician Posts. The applicant should have done ITI from a respected university/ board Qualified competitors might go after BNP Dewas Junior Technician PositionsRead More →

CIBS Recruitment 2022: The contenders are being invited for jobs by the Central Institution Of Buddhist Studies for the fulfillment of 10 vacant spaces for the Post Graduate Teacher (PGT) Posts. The applicant should have done M.Sc, B.Ed, PG Degree. For being acquainted with the information of educational qualifications, trulyRead More →

CMRL Recruitment 2022: The applicants are called for jobs by the Chennai Metro Rail Limited for the fulfillment of 19 vacant spaces for the Manager, Deputy General Manager, GM, Assistant Manager, Deputy Manager Posts. CMRL Recruitment 2022 Notification:  Name of the company Chennai Metro Rail Limited Job Name Manager, DeputyRead More →

Oil India Limited Grade B, C Jobs 2022: The applicants are being offered jobs by Oil India Limited for the fulfillment of 55 vacancies for the Manager, Senior Officer, Superintending Engineer, Senior Medical Officer, Senior Security Officer,  Superintending Medical Officer, Senior Internal Audit/ Senior Accounts Officer  Posts. Oil India LimitedRead More →