
Sainik School Tilaiya Recruitment 2022: The applicants are being invited for jobs by the Sainik School Tilaiya for the filling of 24 vacant positions for the posts of Ward Boys, Nursing Sister, General Employees, General Employees (Ayah). Sainik School Tilaiya Recruitment 2022 Notification:  Company Name Sainik School Tilaiya Job NameRead More →

BIS Recruitment 2022: The aspirants are being offered jobs by the Bureau of Indian Standards for the fulfillment of 337 vacant spaces for the Group A, B, & C posts. Applicants can get the notice pdf document and an immediate connection to apply for the BIS Group A B CRead More →

CMO Baramulla Recruitment 2022: The aspirants are being called for jobs by the Office of the Chief Medical Officer, Baramulla for the fulfillment of 28 vacant spaces for the Junior Grade Nurse, RBSK ANM, Allopathic Pharmacist, MMPHW/ FMPHW, Lab Technician posts. CMO Baramulla Recruitment 2022 Notification:  Company Name Office ofRead More →

DTC Recruitment 2022: The applicants are being invited for jobs by the Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) for the filling of 367 vacant positions for the posts of Assistant Foreman (Repair & Maintenance) posts Section Officer (Civil) posts Assistant Electrician (Repair & Maintenance) posts Section Officer (Electrical) posts Assistant Fitter (RepairRead More →

Army JK Regimental Centre Recruitment 2022: The applicants are being invited for jobs by the Jammu and Kashmir Rifles Regimental Center, Jabalpur (MP) for the filling of 24 vacant positions for the posts of Barber, Stenographer Grade-II, Cook, Draughtsman, Bootmaker, MTS (Safaiwala), Tailor, Washerman, MTS (Mali). Army JK Regimental Centre Recruitment 2022Read More →

ESIC Jobs 2022: The applicants are being invited for jobs by the Employees State Insurance Corporation for the filling of 88 vacant positions for the posts of Senior Resident. We have included itemized data in regards to the ESIC Jobs Notification 2022. Intrigued up-and-comers with essential capabilities need to actuallyRead More →

NPL Recruitment 2022: The applicants are being invited for jobs by the CSIR National Physical Laboratory (NPL) for the filling of 25 vacant positions for the posts of Scientists. NPL Recruitment 2022 Notification:  Company Name CSIR National Physical Laboratory (NPL) Job Name Scientist Vacancies Count 25 Last Date For ApplicationRead More →