
JKSSB Recruitment 2022: The applicants are being called for jobs by the Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB) for the filling of 1395 vacant spaces for the Rural Development & Panchayati Raj posts. The competitor must have done Graduation from an acknowledged university. The JKSSB Recruitment Notification is forRead More →

FRI Recruitment 2020: All the highly educated and confident freshers will be happy to hear about new application posted on the site of Forest Research Institute, Dehradun (FRI). For this year, 107 vacancies are open for the posts of Library Information Assistant, Technical Assistant, Stenographer & Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS). Make sure that your seat should beRead More →

CRPF Recruitment 2022: The organization is employing candidates for the filling of 11 vacant spaces for the Dy. Commandant (Engineer) posts. The competitors must have completed M.E/ M.Tech Degree in Civil Engineering having the least experience of five years and Ought to have taken care of a development project workRead More →

BEL Trainee Engineer Jobs 2022: The organization is employing aspirants for the filling of 15 vacant spaces for the Trainee Engineer I posts. Newcomers are urged by the organization for applying for the BEL Trainee Engineer Jobs 2022, that they are fulfilling the capability principles and various requirements as referredRead More →

ONGC Jobs 2022: The candidates are being expanded to work amazing open doors by the Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited for the filling of 3614 void circumstances for the posts of Apprentices. Intrigued up-and-comers are encouraged to guarantee prior to going after the ONGC Apprentice Positions Notification 2022, thatRead More →