
ESIC Recruitment 2021 for 47 Specialist Grade-II Posts


ESIC Recruitment 2021:Specialist Grade-II (Senior Scale & Junior Scale) has been offered by ESIC Recruitment 2021 for recruiting various eligible candidates. The people living in the region  Odisha, Tami Nadu, Assam, Himachal Pradesh are eligible for the posts. A total of 47 vacancies needs to be allotted to the different candidates. There is an address mentioned at the end of the page for the people who want to apply for the job. The application form needs to be sent by the candidates to the address that is mentioned below. The form can be downloaded from the official website. The forms received after the end date will be rejected. Therefore, aspirants should apply for the job keeping in mind the end date of application submission. The interview will be taken by the selection team, the result of which will lead to the selection of candidates. The other information about the selection procedure, merit list, result, availability of admit cards, etc. will be made available on the website. The selected aspirants will be given a pay scale of Rs. 78,800 after being appointed at a job location.

ESIC Recruitment Notification

Name of the Company Employee State Insurance Corporation (ESIC)
Name of the Job Specialist Grade
Total Number of Vacancies 47
Last Date to Apply 1st November 2021
  • Release date of notification: 29th September 2021
  • End date to apply: 1st November 2021
  • Job Location:  Odisha, Tamil Nadu, Assam, Himachal Pradesh

ESIC Recruitment 2021 Total Vacancy Information:

Company Name: Employee State Insurance Corporation (ESIC)

 Posts Name: Specialist Grade

Total number of Vacancies: 47

  1. Odisha- 22
  2. Tamil Nadu- 11
  3. Himachal Pradesh- 12
  4. Assam- 02

Educational Qualifications:

  • The candidates should hold a Post Graduate degree from a recognized university/institute
  • For more details, check the notification

Selection Procedure:

  • Selection will be based on Interview

Mode of application:

  • Offline mode
  • For address details, check the notification

Application fee:

  • Demand draft of Rs. 500 must be withdrawn in favor of ESI Fund Account No. II
  • No fee for ST/SC/  Departmental candidates/ PWD/ Ex-Serviceman and Women

Pay Scale: Candidates will be provided a pay scale of Rs. 78,800

Age criteria: 

  • The candidate should not be more than 45 years of age

Official Website:

Application procedure For ESIC  Recruitment 2021 Online

  1. is the official website which you should open
  2. Find the notification after clicking on the Recruitment
  3. Carefully take a look at the notification and download it
  4. Take a look at the end date and the apply mode
  5. Apply for ESIC Recruitment if you are eligible
  6. The notification link is mentioned below

ESIC Recruitment 2021 Important links:

  • Application form and Official Notification: