Delhi Police Recruitment 2020:The online application forms are released on the official website of for the posts of Constable. The government department named as Delhi Police under SSC Department has passed onto the notification for the vacant seats which are 5846 in number. Both males/ females can apply for the post. For the same, they haveRead More →

OSSC Combined Police Service Recruitment 2020: One more opportunity has been placed by the one of the finest government department of India, quite known as Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC). The department decide to recruit some employees for their own organization for reputed vacant seats available which are 104 in number. The name ofRead More →

UPSC Recruitment 2020: In the employment newspaper, new vacancies have been officially announced by Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). They have published regarding Combined Defence Services Examination II (CDS Exam II) on its official website, i.e. All those students who are desperate to serve the nation can apply for this recruitment by submitting an onlineRead More →